❦Chapter 4 Invitations❦Pgs. 68-84
Summary: In this chapter, Bella becomes highly annoyed by all the Spring Dance invitations from Tyler, Mike and Eric. She decides to go to Seattle that weekend. Edward offers to drive her. Of course, she's extremely shocked and agrees. ✳Important change: Bella notices Edward's eyes get darker and darker as the weeks progress.✳
This entry I'll write about some minor, yet important character. I admire Bella's dad, Charlie. He is a very good, loving father. He gives her needed space, which in my experience is a very important thing for a teenage girl. Especially one dealing with loving a vampire. Although, he is always there for Bella, silently. Like when he put chains on her truck, that one icy day. And in the book and movie, he tried to make it comfortable for her, by buying her the faded red Chevy and the purple comforter, which is very warm and cozy! He also guides her in a way. He is her human rock throughout the books. Also he is very like his daughter, he has the brown eyes and many other traits. He's clumsy and hates special events. He also dislikes dressing up. In Breaking Dawn, when Alice was dressing him in a suit for the wedding; he referred to it as 'the monkey suit.' One of my favorite 'Charlie' scenes in Twilight, is when he's about to meet Edward, then loads his shotgun and says, "bring him in!" Hilarious father figure! My dad would probably do the same thing, if he had a gun. It is a good thing, that Edward is bullet proof!