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Eclipse movie
My life is Twilight

Monday, August 30, 2010
Breaking Dawn Part 1 News!
Isle Esme may not be filmed because of the hostage issue. Oh well, I'm sure they will find a cool place for the infamous scene!
Eclipse Star News!
Here is some interesting news from the Eclipse stars!
1) Is Ashley Green dating Joe Jonas? Maybe in a photo at eclipsemovie.org she is pictured with a fan at the Jonas Brothers concert! What a lucky fan!
2) Hot pic of Kellan in GQ!
3) Peter Facinelli was at the 2010 Emmy awards (although 'Nurse Jackie' didn't win any awards :/).
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Hot new pics of Taylor and Rob!
Here are some drool worthy pics of Taylor Lautner (Jacob) and Robert Pattinson (Edward!) Take a looksie!

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Have a vamped up room like Edward's!
Want to have a vamped up room just like Edward's? Then check out the furniture from Crate and Barrel!

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Ashley Greene for 'Mark' cosmetics
That's right Alice AKA Ashley Greene is now a rep for Mark cosmetics! Take a look!
And Dakota
Fanning AKA Jane from the Volturi is issued in the September issue of Vouge!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Have Lunch With Dr. Carlisle Cullen!
Thats right, YOU can have lunch with Dr. Carlisle Cullen. AKA Peter Facinelli! Ebay is auctioning off the a lunch for 2 for charity in New York! It may be a bit pricey but worth it! Get more info @: http://www.eclipsemovie.org
Monday, August 16, 2010
Breaking Dawn Part 1 News!
Some exciting news from breakingdawn.org!
1) The Twilight saga: Breaking Dawn has based its production offices in Baton Rouge.
2) Filming starts November 1st and ends March 15th.
3) On IMBD the Breaking Dawn page has listed Xavier Samuel as one of the cast members to play Riley! But as we all know, he was killed in ECLIPSE! This is probably just for flashback scenes though. So don't fret!
4) On the page for Breaking Dawn Part 2 they have Michael AvMen rumored to play Eleazar. 
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Twilight Quote Of The Day!
Twilight quote of the day:
Chapter 15 The Cullens:
"Your hair looks like a haystack... but I like it."
-Edward Cullen Pg. 312
Breaking Dawn Fanmade pics
Here are some more neat fan made Breaking Dawn pics from: breakingdawnmovie.org
Adult Nessie and wolfJacob.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Breaking Dawn Part 1 News!
It's Edward and Bella's wedding anniversary! They have been married for 4 years! Married today in 2006!
From breakingdawnmovie.org
A Vamped New Life: A Twilight fan fic by me!
Chapter 11
I was damn tired of studying for my journalism test. I sighed and threw my three - hundred page textbook on my bed and grabbed my purse and my grey pea coat, deciding to take a drive to the boardwalk. It was mid winter, near the end of the semester at UC Santa Cruz. I was twenty - two and hoping to find a date for the party on Saturday. My Toyota pick up wheezed its way into the nearly empty parking lot. The park wasn't that busy, considering it was winter and was late at night. Never the less the ferris wheel was running and the park was all lit up.2
"Hey Jake."3
"Hey, Katherine. One ticket?"4
"Yes please." Jake was use to me; I'd been coming to the board walk for years. He was tall, and a pretty good looking guy, with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. We were just friends though... nothing more. Maybe he could go to the party with me. "Hey, my roommate is throwing a party on Saturday. Want to go just as friends?"5
"Oh, I'd love to, but Jenny and I are going out to dinner that night."6
"Oh, thats ok. Go have fun!"7
"Kay thanks."8
"Sure." I then made my way to the beach. Was I the only single one in this county? I inhaled the salty air, and listened to the waves lapping up against the sand. It made me calm.9
Absentmindedly I played with my car keys and looked at my 'Twilight' key chain. If only I could find a guy like Edward. I thought and laughed to myself. Maybe my best friend since Elementary school new a guy or something. I dialed her cell and waited. Of course it was busy, so I hung up. She was probably talking to her boyfriend Alex. Suddenly, I heard a 'whoosh' behind me. Strange, there was no wind tonight. "I should head back." I told myself. Just then I was flung back onto the sand my god knows what. Dazed, I got up and started jogging back to the board walk. My fight or flight instinct was taking over me.10
Out of no were a handsome yet menacing looking man picked me up! His eyes were dark brown, maybe even black. Terrified, I started kicking and screaming and throwing punches with all the force I could exert. We were under the board walk now and he dumped me on the ground. My heart racing I quietly fumbled for my phone, but my captor closed the 50 yards between us in one second; and at a speed an Olympic sprinter would be envious of. He grabbed my phone and threw it against a beam. Instantly it shattered. Again I started screaming, and he clamped his hand over my mouth and bit me!11
As soon as he did this I knew exactly what he was. A vampire. He definitely wasn't a Cullen or vegetarian. He started drinking my blood and I experienced a pain like no other. Searing, burning, blazing, it was venom. Coursing through my weak pathetic human self. Then I saw 2 figures. Vampires probably, to join the feast. This could have been a dream. Dreams were never this painful.
I was damn tired of studying for my journalism test. I sighed and threw my three - hundred page textbook on my bed and grabbed my purse and my grey pea coat, deciding to take a drive to the boardwalk. It was mid winter, near the end of the semester at UC Santa Cruz. I was twenty - two and hoping to find a date for the party on Saturday. My Toyota pick up wheezed its way into the nearly empty parking lot. The park wasn't that busy, considering it was winter and was late at night. Never the less the ferris wheel was running and the park was all lit up.2
"Hey Jake."3
"Hey, Katherine. One ticket?"4
"Yes please." Jake was use to me; I'd been coming to the board walk for years. He was tall, and a pretty good looking guy, with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. We were just friends though... nothing more. Maybe he could go to the party with me. "Hey, my roommate is throwing a party on Saturday. Want to go just as friends?"5
"Oh, I'd love to, but Jenny and I are going out to dinner that night."6
"Oh, thats ok. Go have fun!"7
"Kay thanks."8
"Sure." I then made my way to the beach. Was I the only single one in this county? I inhaled the salty air, and listened to the waves lapping up against the sand. It made me calm.9
Absentmindedly I played with my car keys and looked at my 'Twilight' key chain. If only I could find a guy like Edward. I thought and laughed to myself. Maybe my best friend since Elementary school new a guy or something. I dialed her cell and waited. Of course it was busy, so I hung up. She was probably talking to her boyfriend Alex. Suddenly, I heard a 'whoosh' behind me. Strange, there was no wind tonight. "I should head back." I told myself. Just then I was flung back onto the sand my god knows what. Dazed, I got up and started jogging back to the board walk. My fight or flight instinct was taking over me.10
Out of no were a handsome yet menacing looking man picked me up! His eyes were dark brown, maybe even black. Terrified, I started kicking and screaming and throwing punches with all the force I could exert. We were under the board walk now and he dumped me on the ground. My heart racing I quietly fumbled for my phone, but my captor closed the 50 yards between us in one second; and at a speed an Olympic sprinter would be envious of. He grabbed my phone and threw it against a beam. Instantly it shattered. Again I started screaming, and he clamped his hand over my mouth and bit me!11
As soon as he did this I knew exactly what he was. A vampire. He definitely wasn't a Cullen or vegetarian. He started drinking my blood and I experienced a pain like no other. Searing, burning, blazing, it was venom. Coursing through my weak pathetic human self. Then I saw 2 figures. Vampires probably, to join the feast. This could have been a dream. Dreams were never this painful.
My Post Breaking Dawn Poem!
On Storywrite I wrote a poem that is about a vampire running through the woods. Enjoy!
A Sea Of Green
As I was running I could see everything. The moss on each and every tree, the forest floor with all the old crinkled leaves, each hair on a scurrying mouse. I could also hear everything. The crickets, a night owl, the wings of a fire fly. Why did I have these immense senses? I was a vampire, merely going for a run at night. To get away from all the drama that a quarter vampire, quarter human, and quarter were - wolf baby could cause.1 The forest was at it's darkest, a inky green and black veil enveloping the night sky. No moon was out tonight, just the stars. I could even see the big dipper through the thick bushels of pine and spruce. I was very peaceful and happy hear. The smells distracted me from all my unwanted feelings; I focused on each one. The damp ground and fungus that grew on the forest floor. The pitch and pine of the millions of trees that surrounded me. And the blood of a passing opossum. Even though all the nocturnal animals were out, they seemed to flee for cover when I passed with my speed.2 I climbed up into a pine, feeling the needles lightly caress my skin, as I climbed higher and higher. Sap stuck to my hands and I brushed it off on a cracked and aged piece of bark. Small twigs and bits of leaves stuck to my hair, but I didn't care. I was in the peaceful realm of the sea of green. |
Twilight Room Style.
Want a super cool 'Twilight' room style? Well take a look at this furniture from Crate and Barrel to get a Bella style room!

Twilight Quote Of The Day!
Twilight quote of the day:
Chapter 14 Mind Over Matter
"I may not be human, but I am a man."
-Edward Cullen pg. 311
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Breaking Dawn Part 1 News!
News about the highly anticipated 'Breaking Dawn Part 1' from:
1) Kellan Lutz has mentioned in an interview that the cast starts training for Breaking Dawn in September!
2) Brazil might be in negotiations to have Breaking Dawn filmed partly in their country! Rio could be used for Isle Esme!
3) Breaking Dawn Part 2 is set for a 2012 November 16th release!
4) Louisiana was chosen for filming of Breaking Dawn! (Pictures from the breaking dawnmovie.org an
d theTwilight PicturesGallery!
Twilight Merchandise.
Some new Twilight merchandise I bought:
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse The Official Illustrated Movie Companion.
And the Eclipse

The music is awesome and so is the book. It has great info and beautiful stills!
Twilight Quote Of The Day!
My Twilight quote of the day:
Chapter 13 Confessions
"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb..."
-Edward Cullen pg. 274
I'm Back!
I'm back! I'm sooo sorry I haven't blogged in like 3 months! I was super busy studying for finals and everything, and also Summer stuff. But now I'll try to keep my blogs posted! So, lets talk about Eclipse! IT WAS SOOO EPICLY AWESOME! OME I LOVED THE KISSING SCENE'S THE FIGHT SCENES AND EVERYTHING! I SAW IT FOUR TIMES AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE MOVIE TO COME OUT ON DVD! ALSO, CAN NOT WAIT FOR BREAKING DAWN PART 1! On the night of JUNE 30 I went with my mom and friend, Karen. I wore my Twilight shirt, and Cullen necklace. I also gave out various Twilight pins. We went to Chevys before and I got all hyped up on sugar! Then we got there so early. There wasn't even a line! But it was pretty packed! It was so awesome, having all Twilighters joined and cheering! When it was finished I think I was having a Twilight high, it was the best! My Twilighterness was at it's peak that night. I went totally crazy and could not stop talking about my fav scenes! Then I went with my mom and then my friends and then by myself!!! Watch one of my fav scenes (Japer training) by clicking this link below:
(Link might not work... sorry, so go up to the website address bar and type the address in. If that does not work go to youtube and type in 'Jasper training scene.' Hope this helps!)
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